Eucharistic Ministers

Interested in becoming a Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion?

Are you interested in taking Holy Communion to the sick and homebound or distributing Communion at Mass on weekends? 

Any Confirmed Catholic in good standing with the church should contact the parish office for more information.  


For EHMC's: 

WHAT TO DO IF I NEED A SUB:  Simply click on “Sub Request” and an email will be sent out to everyone asking for help.  If you receive a Sub Request and you are available, please click the link in the email and your name will fill the vacancy.  You do not need to check back to be sure the vacancy is filled.  If no one fills the vacancy, Father will ask for a volunteer during Mass. 


Have you ever wondered about being a Eucharistic Minister? Felt a desire to participate more fully in the Mass? Or just curious about what it takes to be a Eucharistic Minister?

If so, plan to attend an INTEREST NIGHT. On Monday, November 4th, 6:30 PM, in the church, we will be having an informal informational meeting to talk about becoming a Eucharistic Minister here at St Patrick’s. No commitments need to be made during this meeting. This will be chance to learn about this important ministry and to begin thinking about if you are being called to become a Eucharistic Minister. All are welcome to attend this session.

Questions? Call Barb Mark 309-648-6083